The site has been renewed ! It ' was made a migration, not too painless, the precent version of Joomla 2.5.x to the current 3.5.x. The migration has been suggested by several factors:
- official support for version 2.5.x was completed in 2014 .
- Template responsive for easy navigation from mobile devices
- the need to restructure the information contained on the website for easy and quick reference.
- the desire to put his hand to version 3 so as to maintain activity in the neurons were ...
The area of the menu has been restructured. The item Work in Progress are published all those projects that have not been printed in magazines . The item Downloads, under three different categories you can find a copy of the articles printed in magazines, as well as documents of fruit harvest under Works in Progress and finally all the material related to firmware and software developed.
73 and good navigation I6DVX
Two Tone Generation
Two Tone Generation
In the measurements of linearity of amplifiers and / or transmitters, a small little tool is used, its function is to generate two sinusoidal audio signals. The value of these two frequencies is not binding, what’s important is that they are both in the clear band of the transmitter filter; generally, this range is between 300 Hz and 3000 Hz for SSB emissions. Furthermore, it is appropriate that these frequencies differ between them as much as possible.
Tuning Aid
Tuning Aid
An aide to help you easily live with the latest equipment with the most ubiquitous ones.
(RadioKit Electronica 5/2017).
Material, such as the PCB file, as well as the HEX file for programming the microcontroller:
687.99 KB
On November 2016 Radio Electronics Kit it has published a project for the construction of a protection circuit called Crowbar. The files of the circuit diagram, the PCB, the assembly diagram and parts list, in PDF format, can be downloaded from the following link:
It 'was developed a second version of the Crowbar where the reference zener is the integrated circuit TL431. The motivation for this is due to the fact that the low-voltage zener, as may be the BZX55C 3V3, have a Breakdown voltage not very stable to vary the current. The variant guarantees a better stability of the reference voltage. The graph shows the measurements of Breakdown voltage as a function of the supply voltage, for both the TL431 for both BZX55C zener 3V3. The values shown in the graph refer to the averages of 5 samples of the two devices.
The files of the circuit diagram, the PCB, the assembly diagram and the parts list in PDF format, the second version of Crowbar, can be downloaded from the following link:
The most important thing is the appropriate choice of fuse-coupled SCR. E 'you need to compare the I2t parameter, which is the energy necessary to the merger of the device. The value of this parameter of the SCR diode, noted from the data sheet, must be far superior to the same fuse parameter. Otherwise there is a risk that the SCR diode bases before, or at best, together with the fuse.
I6DVX ended his trasmission from this Earth on the 22nd of October 2017 .
This site will be kept as he left it, because that's what he would have wished for.
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