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These few pages are dedicated to two passions that melt together, change and generate each others: the hamradio and electronics. Both have kept my free time busy; sometimes the first one prevails over the other, sometimes the contrary, in an unstable equilibrium. The passion for technology and photography complete the picture.


I am a Radioamateur from the far 1968, long before the Internet. Today its normal to type on your keyboard the address of a overseas site, and in a few microseconds see the homepage appear on the screen , but ... what emotions when, with the cherry-red plate 807- and my peers know what I mean- you could connect OM European colleagues.


In my life I had the luck to work in electronics for many years. I'm now enjoying a well-deserved rest, so to leave space for young people. The last few years working at the Department of Electronics of Università Politecnica of Marche, helped me to extend my horizons and my interests.With more free time the desire to turn the radio back on returned, together with the discovery of the Magic Band: 50 MHz.

73 de i6dvx Vittorio

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